Renewable energy needs a rapid scale-up in order to achieve net zero GHG emissions. This is a key finding of the synthesis report on the technical dialogue of the first global stocktake (GST). The report further points out that transformations - like shifting energy systems to clean energy sources - entail broad, rapid and often disruptive action. Yet, systems transformations also present an unprecedented opportunity for social and economic development while reducing impacts on the natural environment.
The Chinese and German co-hosts of the Sino-German Track-II-Dialogue on Climate Change and Sustainable Development invite the climate envoys of Germany and China, senior experts and academics as well as industry representatives to discuss what China and Germany in the EU can do to accelerate the expansion of renewable energy as an indispensable element of just energy transitions to net zero emissions. The speakers will share their perspectives on barriers and enablers for a just energy transformation towards clean energy sources in light of the first global stocktake.