Christoph Gerbig

Head of Airborne trace gas measurements and mesoscale modelling
Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry
Christoph Gerbig


Dr. habil. Christoph Gerbig - Head of Airborne trace gas measurements and mesoscale modelling at Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry (MPI-BGC) in Jena (Germany). He is leading the BMBF funded German research project “Integriertes Treibhausgas-Monitoringsystem für Deutschland”, short: ITMS, drawing on a vast research experience - spanning from the experimental side involving high accuracy measurement of trace gases from airborne platforms - to the theoretical aspects such as mesoscale tracer transport models coupled to surface flux models.

Events with

Christoph Gerbig

Trust through Transparency - A German contribution through the Integrated Greenhouse Gas Monitoring System (ITMS)

1/12/23 10:00 am
