Oksana Tarasova

Senior Scientific Officer
World Meteorological Orgainzation
Oksana Tarasova


Dr Oksana Tarasova is in the World Meteorological Orgainzation since 2009. She is a Senior Scientific Officer in the Infrastructure Department since August 2022 working on the development of the Global Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Infrastructure, she was a Head of the Atmospheric Environment Research Division in Science and Innovation Department from 2014 to 2022 coordinating activities of the Global Atmosphere Watch Programme. She has a background in Physics and PhD in Atmosphere Physics, worked in Lomonosov Moscow State University and Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry in Mainz, Germany. She served as a President of the Atmospheric Sciences Division of the European Geoscience Union, as a co-chair of the Task Force on Measurements and Modelling of LRTAP Convention, she is currently a member of multiple advisory boards and research projects. She is an author and co-author of over 100 publications which have total citations of 2632, h-index of 22 and i10-index of 34.

Events with

Oksana Tarasova

Trust through Transparency - A German contribution through the Integrated Greenhouse Gas Monitoring System (ITMS)

1/12/23 10:00 am
